Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 5, 2011


After our class was cancelled for the second time we decided to try something different. Jatovi, Layla and I joined the YMCA! There seems to be many advantages for us in this. One being that Layla can go to the Y-playhouse while we exercise. This is giving her the chance to socialize and be around other kids and adults. One of my many pet peeves about other children are those annoying kids that aren't socialized so they cry and look for their parents every time you talk to them. Thankfully Layla is not one of these and has gone into the play room with a big smile on her face every time. The staff seem to love her and keep commenting on what a happy baby she is. The other advantage to this is she is "left with strangers" and we are 10 feet away! This makes the process better for us as well.
But the best part is swimming!! We took Layla in a big pool for the first time and she did great. Jatovi dunked her a couple of times, I thought it seemed a bit mean but she did ok. Hopefully this is a great start for many years of fun in the pool to come!

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