Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

11 months

Layla made it to 11 months...alive and well! After her trip to the ER I am not sure I will ever be the same. But Layla doesn't seem to even remember it...thank goodness! This month has been a lot of fun. Layla has learned to clap her hands, she points at things, she can climb up the stairs( but clearly we need to work on how she goes down them)and she dances! Layla loves to any music and she starts a bouncing. This is not new but we sure play music for her every day now. Jatovi dances with her when they are alone, but I as not privileged to see it. It really is the cutest thing in the world. Her schedule hasn't really changed since we moved her bedtime to 7:30. She will then sleep at least 12 hrs. She eats around 8 and still needs her morning nap. She sleeps from about 1000 until 1130. Then it's play time(often with her friends at the YMCA) and lunch around 1. Nap again from 2-4, with dinner at 5. Layla drinks her 3 bottles a day before her naps. Layla enjoys eating....something she got from me I am sure. For the most part any fruit or vegetable will work. Meats she still doesn't love but will eat a little bit with eat meal. We are completely away from baby food, big girl likes to feed her self...and Molly Brown. Molly Brown and her have become quite close, bonding over their love of food. Now that Layla is mobile they often play together. It is so much fun to watch even though I am not sure either is completely aware of what the other one wants. Molly will have a toy in her mouth and jump around and play...Layla tries to get the toy. Molly loves it and runs around, Layla just loves her reaction. I am glad they play well together, Molly has been so important to us for so long. She seems every excited to see her these days as well. She has always slept outside her room and been the first one in when she wakes up. But now it doesn't seem out of concern rather out of excitement to see her.
Layla seems to be starting to have words we all understand. She clearly says "mom" and "Dada". However she uses mom for many things, really anything she needs or wants. Grannie says she says "bird" all the time at her house. I really didn't believe her but she put me on speaker phone and I did hear her say it plain as day, but only that once. We are working on "more" and "up" at this point as well. It will be crazy when see can talk because she sure seems like she has a lot to say.
Layla has even more hair these days but not enough to do anything with. Her size has not changed although I have just bought her 18month clothes for the summer. Everyone said when she started to crawl she would slim down, and her length has grown but carrying her she still seems pretty heavy to me.
What I want to remember from this month it how beautiful her giggle was the first time I heard it after she fell. It brought tears to my eyes because all I could think was what if I never got to hear it again?
Layla Katherine you have made me love you so deeply it please don't scare me again!!

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