Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

10 months

My sweet LayLee Magee is 10 months old. Were is the time going? I just want it to slow down or even stop, this age is perfect forever.

This month brought some more firsts, like first cold and first tooth. It has been nice that teething has not been a problem. If we weren't able to see it we would have no idea it was coming in. It seems to be taking longer than I expected. It really has just broken through the gum and the one beside it is visible under the gum. I guess I thought they grew at a faster pace.

Life with Layla remains pretty routine. Although this week we are working on changing that routine abit. Since Layla was very little bedtime has been by 6:30, in fact that is late. It worked for her and it was what she needed. By 5:30 at night she starts letting you know she is ready. This meant that for months now she would get up and eat between 5-6am and go back to sleep until 9ish. This has been perfect, we all liked this schedule. However in the last couple of weeks she has been having the 5am bottle and going back to sleep but only until 8 at the latest. So we decided we needed to get rid of the early morning bottle. It worked well when that meant we got to sleep in but it wasn't getting us anything any more. This week bedtime as been moved to 7:30. It worked perfectly from the first night she went to be later, she did not wake up at 5. Changing to the later bedtime was going to be hard since girlfriend is like her mommy and enjoys going to bed early. So we have been going out and keeping her busy. We went out for dinner and it was hilarious..we went at 5:30 and it was all people with small kids and people over 70! We had not been out after dark with Layla since she was a newborn. It was kinda fun and kept her busy and awake.Layla is also making progress with her meals. She started eating toast and chicken this week. I have been offering her meat for awhile but she would not really eat it. She eats 3 meals a day and a snack or two. As far as what she eats it varies from day to day. She really seems to enjoy baby food from a jar. It is a little disappointing that I spent months making all of her own food when now she won't even eat it. I can make her home made carrots and she will play with them instead of eat them...but offer her carrots from the store and she will cry out with excitement. She still would rather feed her self but I am alittle to impatient for this. It takes longer and it is really messy. So I try to give her finger foods while I get her meal ready and then she gets jarred vegetables with a meat in it(by her choice) and then I give her fresh fruit. Bananas are still her favorite although she will eat any fruit you give her.Laylas meal times are now like 8, 1230 and 5. She still takes 2 naps a day, morning from 9-1130 and 3-4. My next plan is to get rid of the morning nap but right now she still seems to need it. I have signed Layla and I up for 2 different classes and both have been cancelled dur to not enough students. I think we would both love something to fill our days with.Layla loves music and dancing, it must be something we are born with...moving to the music because we did not teach that to her. But turn on some music and she starts bouncing! I have been disappointed when they have been cancelled but hopefully when the nice weather gets here we can come up with our own fun.

Finally Layla is getting hair!! But my answers about what kind of hair she will have have not been answered. The back is more coarse with tiny tight curls and the top and sides are straight when dry and soft. When it is wet it is all curly but soft big curls. So only time will tell!

What I want to remember from this month is how luck I am that she is healthy! I have so much more respect for parents that have children that are sick after a week with Laylee with a cold. To see your child hurting and not be able to fix it must be hell on earth. I pray to never have to experience what they do everyday, I am sure I am not strong enough.

I also want to remember the laughter I hear when I kiss to my ears! Do you think I will be able to get her to giggle like that by simply kissing her all over when she is 15?

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