Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Anybody that knows me well knew that first and for most I wanted a healthy baby. But if given the choice I would have preferred a boy. I wanted a boy because I didn't want to take a back seat to a girl and Jatovi's bond. Every body says that girls love their Daddy's, and Jatovi has such a wonderful personality I just knew a baby girl would adore him. And all you have to do is look at all of our animals, they are all "mine" and they will all go to him over me anytime. The other reason I was worried about a girl was......her hair! I have never been the type of girl that has nice hair or make up. I still at almost 36 just haven't figured out nice styles or make up on me that looks good. So how am I suppose to show a little girl how to do her hair, and hair that is going to be very different from mine? But I wasn't given a boy, I was given the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen! At this point she seems to love and need us both equally( we will see when she is older, Daddy already gives her everything she wants) and I couldn't be happier!! I would not change a thing about my girl. In fact seeing as we think she will be an only child, I am more than fine never having a boy. So what does that leave me with, trying to do her hair! So far her hair is growing in slowly and differently. In the back seems to be tight small course curls and the sides and top are soft fine big curls. I don't know what that means when it is all grown in, but it is what I have to work with now. As the hot weather approaches I am worried about the frizz. The back already seems frizzy. Grannie has had me putting baby oil in her hair for months now. She said that's what she did with her kids. The only problem of course is Layla's hair is different. After many discussions with co workers I decided it was time to do some research on my own. After being on google for about 2 hours I am really only a bit better off. What I think I know now is, don't wash her hair more than 2 times a week, use a big comb never a brush and she will need products. I found some information on "biracial "babies and there seemed to be 2 different products that were recommend often. Carol's Daughter and Mixed Chick seemed to come up over and over. I have started with Carols daughter because they have a kids line. I bought some of the hair "milk" to use daily with defining her curl and stopping frizz. The funniest part is I will probably spend more on her hair products than I do in years for my self. Oh well she already dresses better than me, and I really what her to have beautiful hair!We will see how these products work and keep on trying others until I find what works the best.

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