Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Just when I thought 2011 couldn't beat 2010....Layla warmed my heart 100times over .

To start with she decided it was time to feed herself. The desire has been there, however the technique was not. But as of today she is able to pick tiny pieces of food up with her thumb and pointer finger( I have only seen her use her left hand so far) and feed herself.

She said "Dada" and "Baba" over and over. So I am sure she doesn't know what she is saying but it is fun to hear. But at bedtime Jatovi walked into her room with her bottle and she reached out for it and said "baba". We both cheered and she looked very confused. So I am sure it was a coincidence, but exciting now the less.

Maybe 2011 will be even better!!

We took Layla to one of her favorite places...the play area (AKA the "Petri Dish") at the mall. She just loves watching other kids, and it is fun to watch her.

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