Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, January 3, 2011

What a difference a day can make

Layla woke up ready to take on the world today!

Layla has been crawling for a couple of weeks now...but only about 3-5 steps and then she belly flops down and stops. I am sure this is our fault, she is always in the play area so her toys are right beside her, so she has had no reason too need to move. This morning I was using the spot carpet cleaner across the room from her and that was all it took. She crawled over to it and hasn't stopped! I guess she just need to be curious enough about something to want to move.

After crawling all over the place it was time for her morning nap. She went down as usual, and I went about my routine of starting laundry. I could hear her talking to herself which is common, but she was getting louder and louder. After a few minutes I decided to check on her and she was standing up in her crib! Oh the look on her face, was priceless the biggest smile ever. Layla was been pulling up on everything for awhile now but I guess it had never accrued to her to do it in her crib. Also for the most part she is such a good sleeper (now) that she really just goes to sleep. Well that meant no nap for her, I would lie her down and she would stand right back up. She had so much fun she skipped her morning nap, got up and started to crawl all over again. I guess she was having to much fun with her new skills to bother to sleep. Daddy came home at lunch and lower the bed over:( It's so low now just her head is above it.

Ok now for the weird part! I had a nightmare last night(which happens all the time). At 0530 I woke up Jatovi and made him check on Layla. I had had a dream that every time I went to get Layla she had stood up in her crib and fell out. One time she broke her arm, another her leg, she had cuts on her head and then finally her neck.

Thankfully she did not fall out but weird I would have that dream and then she starts standing up that day.

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