Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A fun week

After giving into peer pressure I bought Layla her first nice pair of shoes. I had read that babies learn to walk best in bare feet. That shoes are not needed so I was going with that. Every time we were home I took off her socks and she seemed to be doing well. Well Aunt Kuanda and Grammie seemed to think this was terrible and that she needed shoes. Jameson has been wearing shoes for months and they felt Layla needed a good pair of shoes as well. So off to stride right I went and bought her the cutest little shoes. She is a size 3.5 wide which is funny since all of the other shoes I have bought have been average 3, so I guess that is why they are tight. She has been wearing them every day so lets see if it helps her learn to walk.

Layla is done with baby food as of this week. I have been giving her finger food for her meals and she is doing very well. Mandarin oranges are her new favorite as well as cheese. It can get messy which drives me crazy but I am trying to relax and lets her figure it out on her own. I can't feed her forever.

The weather was so nice this weekend so Layla and I headed to the park. She went down the slide and on the swing. She seemed unimpressed with it, because watching the older children was all she wanted to do.

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