Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Today is the last day in one of the best years of my life! I sit back each day and think I am the luckiest woman alive. In 2010 the most beautiful, sweet little girl came into our lives. I have probably learnt the most about my self this year, then many years combined.
Most years I am fine with them ending, and looking forward to see what the next year has in store for me, but this year is different. I am sad for this year to be over, how can 2011 top this year?
In 2010 I found out:
* that I am madly in love with my husband
* that I love, love, love being a Mom!
* that I can't control everything,and that's ok(I will keep trying though)
* that some things that seem overwhelming are worth it in the end
* that money can't buy happiness(it does help though)
* letting the things you can't control go
But most of all I have fallen deeply in love with this little girl. Of course I knew I would love her, but until it happened I didn't know a love could be this strong. I didn't know a love so strong could keep growing, and growing each day.
So how could 2011 compare?

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