Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When Mommy and Daddy are away.....

When Granddaddy sends pictures to Mommy of what they have done, he should look at them first...I see all of "Mommy's rules" that are being broken!
I don't remember sending mac and cheese for lunch and Layla isn't to sleep with blankets!!

No pacifier

When Jatovi and I work Layla spends the day with Grannie and Granddaddy. I will never be able to express how thank full I am that they help us. It is nice to be able to leave Layla with someone who loves her so much making me able to relax knowing she is safe.
They seem to have a lot of fun together, however Layla likes to take advantage of their love. She cons them into holding and playing with her all day so she don't have to sleep by herself. I think it is funny that even at this young age she knows who she can get away with things with.
Thank you so much Grannie and Granddaddy for loving our girl so much!

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