Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011

9 months

Layla is 9 months old today, I just can't believe it. She is growing so fast! This month has been fun and crazy all at the same time. She now longer sits around playing she is on the go...constantly! Layla loves crawling and being independent. Feeding herself, crawling, standing and walking around furniture...she loves it! I couldn't wait for her to crawl but wow it keeps me busy. We have had to take down a lot of Uncle Jeff's glass art, move my book self, and rearrange the sitting room. All just to keep sweet girl safe.
Layla seems to be transitioning away from baby food. She loves feeding herself. I finished the baby food this week I had made and we have some jar food from Gram left. Once the jar food is gone I am not sure she will need it anymore. She is able to pick up all of her own food and most of the time gets it in her mouth! She would prefer to use a spoon as well but that makes for a messy meal.
9 months and 22lbs 93%, 283/4 inches 73% long. The doctor had no concerns over her development and thank fully at 9 months there are no needles!
What I want to remember from this month is what it was like to have a baby that you leave sitting playing and come back later and she is still there!! I am already forgetting how wonderful that was!
Still NO teeth!

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