Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rolling over!

So my big girl is rolling over. The first time she did it on her own was July 29. She is rolling from her back to stomach the most although she has gone the opposite way a couple of times. She hates tummy time unless she is sleeping so when so rolls from stomach to back it is usually in a fit of rage. This mile stone has helped in the sleeping department as well. Since she is able to roll her self onto her belly we allow her to sleep like that. This makes me very nervous due to the increased risk of SIDS however we can't run in and turn her over every 2 minutes. We have a movement monitor so I do feel a bit better. She will sleep easy 4-5hrs at a time some times longer, however not all night. She does still want a 2am feed. In fact she wakes up most nights at 2am no matter what time she ate last at, but we give her her pacifier and she will usually fall back to sleep. When will she sleep all night??
She is gaining weight and very long. Her sleeper are for 9months! She weighs over 14lbs..crazy! It will be interesting at her 4month appointment to see what percentile she is..won't be surprised if her is off the chart!
She is growing up so fast, she has found her voice and even has giggled a few times. This doesn't happen everyday yet but we are close. The coos and coos are so cute and come with the biggest cute smile ever.
Have I mentioned that she is beautiful? Well I tell you...she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen..and I have seen a lot! Not that I am biased or anything!

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