Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Night Three

So second night with no 2am feed! She seemed to get it right away...last night she went from 1115 until 4am asleep. At 4 she woke and cried on and off a few minutes and then fell asleep again until 0450. I got up and fed her then. My goal was 11-5 and this was close enough...but really I didn't want to fall asleep again just to have to get up at 6. I am so glad the doctor told us to do this...if not I am sure I would be getting up several times a night to feed her still.
She said it would take 3-4 nights and really it took 1...but lets hope it keeps getting better!

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