Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Sleep Training" Night One

At our 4 month appointment the Doctor suggested "sleep training" to get Layla to sleep through the night. She assured us that she was physically ready, in fact she had been for awhile. She said Layla could have weeks ago and by 15lbs they are ready, well since Layla is well past the 15lb mark it is time to follow the doctors advice.
Her advice was simple...stop feeding her! The doctor said my goal of skipping the 2-3am feed was a good one because she could easily go 11-5 with out a feed. So Jatovi and I decided to try it. She claims in 3-4days she would no longer wake to eat.
Night one:
Bed at 7...feed at 10pm (plan for this to be the last one of the night!)
11pm...cried for 35 min. Jatovi and I both went in and gave her her pacifier and moved her back into the middle of the crib(she likes to hang her arms and legs out the side and then gets mad because she can't move them)
2am...cried for 20 mins same as above
3am...cried for 5 min and neither of us went to her.
She didn't wake again until 0622! And then really didn't want to eat a lot just a quick snack and back to bed until her usual 9am wake up. So clearly she didn't need the food she was been getting at night.
It felt horrible to not "fix"it..when I knew all I needed to do was feed her and the crying would stop. But the doctor said 2 very important things to us
1. This is when you decide what kind of parent you are going to be
2. Sleep is the first thing you teach your child to do independently
This helped get me through the night. I don't want her to be a 2 year old still waking up, and I plan to teach her to be a strong independent women. So I will stay strong!
I just hope Jatovi can...I think it was the hardest on him...he hates to hear her cry!

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