Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to Work

I went back to work this weekend. It was better than I thought. I had been so worried about leaving her, but it turned out ok. Both mornings she woke me up before my alarm, so I was able to nurse her before I left. Once I got to work I tried not to think about her and just focus on work. She was at home with her Daddy and he is so wonderful with her. I had no reason to worry about her safety. The only problem is and will always be...he is so easy going. He really didn't follow the routine her and I have nor did he focus on the clock and have her eat and sleep on time like I do. The change did have her up more Saturday night, but jatovi got up with her so I could sleep. Grannie came and stayed with her from 5pm until I got home. I think she cried a lot for her. Poor Grannie, Layla should have given her a break. Really I think she was sleepy and needed to go to bed. One good thing was she was still awake when I got home...and boy did I need that. My third shift back she was in bed and I was almost in tears thinking I wouldn't get to see her...but she woke up 10 minutes after there!
I was able to pump at work 3 times each shift, so my new goal is to breastfeed until 6 months! Boy I can't believe I am still breastfeeding and at this point I don't mind it. It took 3months but the hate is gone and now I try to focus on the is best for her, it is free, and easy. Now I just have to hope my milk doesn't dry up...that would be my luck just as I am getting use to it!

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