Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Not only was this weekend Layla's birthday it was Easter Weekend. The Easter Bunny brought Layla a doll and a suitcase so she is ready for her next trip to Grammies and Grandpa's. After Uncle Corb and the Grandparents headed North we all took a much needed nap! After the nap we dressed Layla and headed to Grannie and Granddaddy's house for a visit. Another Easter treat has Layla got to turn around and sit forward in the car. She was a year old now and it was legal!!

However I had warned Jatovi that the AAP had changed the guidelines to two years old now. Jatovi felt that since she had cried so often in her car seat that we would follow the "law"instead.

Well poor Layla only had 1 day forward facing because once the Doctor told Jatovi about the AAP recommendations he turned her back. I asked him why he didn't listen to me...he said "because she is the doctor" Really??

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