Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Layla!

Layla is one year old!! I can't believe the best year of my life is over. Layla is turing into a beautiful little girl before my eyes. She weighs 23.3lbs which is the 81% (down from 93%) and 65% in height. She is progressing well with her development. She has plenty of words for being 1 yr..however she usually just screams! It has become very annoying she screams when she is happy, wants food, wants a drink, wants a toy...all the time! Boy when she starts talking she is going to have a lot to say. Her hair is growing and growing. It remains a work in progress and everyone seems to think they know what to do with it. I have decided to just do what I want and hope it works out! I think for the most part it looks good. It continues to be soft with bigger curls on the top, and dry tiny curls and the base of her head at the back. The sides are still pretty bare. Layla still only has 2 teeth. I can't believe it...I thought she would have a lot more by now. She continues to love to feed her self, with carrots and mandarin oranges still her favorite. Day to Day Layla is sooooo busy. She just doesn't stop. She isn't cuddly unless she is very tired. We are trying to not react when she falls and starts crying and for the most part she really doesn't cry. Layla is not walking. In fact I am not sure she is going to any time soon. She will stand by her self for a few seconds and then she drops. She can crawl really fast so I think she doesn't sees any reason to walk. Jatovi and I are stilling figuring out how to "co-parent" together. I am sure my anxious self is driving his laid back self crazy. But this is why we have two parents to balance each other!
For Layla's special day we planned a little party for her. I made a cake for her from scratch as well as the icing. It didn't look perfect but it tasted good! I was proud of myself that I didn't take the easy way out and just buy one (this year at least) but she only ate a little and was ready to get down and play with her friends again. She got a lot of great presents and loved opening them!

Dear Layla

My sweet girl you are now 1!! I am so in love with ever bit of you, I enjoy every minute I have with you(except for the screaming:( ) I find it fascinating to watch you discover the world. You are very busy learning and trying to figure out this world. Thank fully you are very happy. We can't get through shopping without stopping a hundred times because you are talking and smiling at people. I was so nervous about the idea of becoming a mother and being in trusted with some one's life. I have found in the past year that it was by far the best thing we ever did! I love being your mother and spending time with you and your Dad. We have so much fun teaching you things and you have taught us a thing or too as well! I just hope you remain as happy as you are now through out your life. People say they want things from their children like them to be lawyers or such, I just want you to do anything and everything(legal) that makes you happy. Your smile is breathtaking and needs to be shared!

So as you move on into your second year I wish for you nothing but happiness and will give you unconditional love my sweets,

Love Mom

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