Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Layla's First Girls Weekend!

Layla had her first Girls weekend away. I took her to beach with Susannah, Janet and I. I was so worried that my single friends would regret the invitation to the 1 year old. But I think overall Layla did a good job. Her and I spent more time on our own in the condo than I had planned but I was fine with it. When we were on the beach Layla ate sand...and a lot of it! I tried giving her her pacifier to suck on but it only helped a little. I hope this is only the beginning to many beach trips for her and I!! I am hoping she can be my partner on the beach since Jatovi does not enjoy beach will be 2 against 1 then.

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