Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

First Valentines Day!! Not a great one. Friday Layla had a cough and I knew what was coming and by Sunday the running nose had started. So Layla's first Valentines day was spent sleeping, coughing and getting her nose wiped. Thankfully it doesn't appear to be serious. No fever, just a cold. Well it has been a long week and now it's Friday again and I think she is on the mend. However while sweet girl was a coughing, crying mess I thought it would never end. Boy did it wear me out, sleepless nights again made me realize Laylay should be an only child!!

The best part of the week was watching Jatovi and Grannie worry about her. I was tired and found it pitiful to watch our sweet girl but without a fever I was sure it was just a cold. Something everyone gets and she will get it again. But Jatovi and his mom were so worried...worried enough Layla got a trip to urgent care. I was against it but felt like if I didn't take her and something was really wrong I would feel terrible the rest of my life. So off we went and she was diagnosed with acute croup and given oral steroids. So there we have it...until the next day when Grannie thought she should go again. So Jatovi was all over it while I was at work. When I heard about I was alittle angry because again I felt like she had a cold!!!

Long story short the appointment was cancelled and sweet girl woke up this morning with her appetite and energy back. So I feel great that Mommy does know best!!

Oh and along with this Layla is teething. I am not sure it plays into any of the fussing but the one small tooth is slowly coming in!!

So Layla I hope your Valentines Days are better in years to come!

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