Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

8 months old!

Today our sweet girl is 8 months old! Just last week I thought I would not have any milestones to write about this month. It started off as a pretty routine month with a great schedule and not many changes. But just last week Layla started to pull up and say "Mama". I have even heard "Mom" a few times. I am sure she thinks I am crazy when I get so excited of her babbles but it is music to my ears. I think her growth has finally stared to slow down. She is still wearing the same clothes...even if they are 12-18months. No teeth yet, which I find so weird. I thought she would have a mouth full by now.
Layla met Santa this month, and brought back the magic of Christmas for Jatovi and I. It was fun decorating, and buying her gifts. I can't wait until she fully understands the season.

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