Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pulling Up!

Today Layla "pulled up" for the first time. The first time she did it I was out of the room. I left her sitting beside her dresser and came back and she was standing holding on to her drawer. I was so disappointed, but quickly sat her down again and waited for her to do it again. Well of course she didn't right away. But after about 10minutes she did it! She has been doing over and over now.Pulling up means she is falling more and more. I am trying to not react unless she is hurt to prevent crying with every fall. This works most times, but there have been some screaming fits, but no serious injury's!
She is so happy with herself each time. She crawls backwards by pushing herself back, but not forward yet. She pulls up into the crawling position often, but then just tries to stand up. Layla just wants to stand and walk!

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