Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Baby!

Layla's first Christmas has been one of my favorites of all time!
Layla woke up at around 8am. We then went down and I tried to get some great pictures of her in front of the tree. Well this has not gone good anytime I have tried. She would rather look at the tree and play with the presents. Grammie and Grandpa then joined us via Skye and we then started the gift opening. Of course it was no surprise she would rather eat the paper then pay attention to the toys she was getting. She lost interest in about 30minutes because she really just wanted breakfast.
Later that morning Grannie, Granddaddy, aunt Jamel and Janora came for brunch.
The the 3 of us spent the day relaxing, it was the perfect Christmas with my wonderful Family!
On boxing day we all headed to Aunt Jamels for Christmas dinner with the family. It was so much fun to see Layla with all of her cousins.

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