Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lets try this Again!

So after a very long nap yesterday Layla woke up and seemed to feel fine. However her decision was clearly not made. She nursed but only have the time she needed to and refused to take a bottle of formula and breast milk mixed. Her face said it all... it tasted gross to her. So after wasting several ounces of breast milk she went to bed after eating very little. She had a dry diaper last night so I was of course getting concerned.

So today we started off with 1.5oz of formula and the rest breast milk...and she drank it all. The first couple of sucks she made a face and I wasn't sure she would take it, but she did. She ate her lunch and afternoon bottle(almost half and half this time) with out any issues. And back to her small spit ups as usual. So it looks like we are on the road to eating well from a bottle! Now I need to stop my body from producing breast milk. I have however decided that her"nursing strike" may have been her way of telling me I didn't have enough milk anymore. Because it is now very clear my supply was low.

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