Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6 months

Wow I have a 6 month old daughter. She is not a baby anymore, sitting on her own, holding her own bottle and eating solid foods. Her stats: 18lbs 11.7oz which is 92%, 25 inches long 37%. So short and fat just her mom. The doctor had no concerns with her development and was impressed with her strength. The doctor did tell us that she did not need to eat during the night anymore. For awhile now the routine has been:
1800- Dinner, bath, bottle and bed by 1845
1200-bottle and back to sleep
0530-bottle and back to sleep
0900- up for the day and breakfast bottle
1000- morning nap
1100- lunch then play
1330- bottle and then nap
1600- snack bottle

But last night Layla must have heard the doctor because Layla SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!
That's right after 6 months and 2 days she did it. We were prepared to let her cry it out but there was no need big girl did it on her own. She woke up at 0530 for bottle and went right back to sleep so I think 11hours can be seen as sleeping through the night. I laid there from 0345 waiting for her to wake up crazy that you wait for it every night and then when it does happen you can't sleep. So we will see what tonight brings!
What I want to remember from month 6 is how Thankful I am for my beautiful daughter!

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