Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010


So it looks like I am completely done with breastfeeding. I am shocked at just how upset I am about this. It appears that Layla's "nursing strike" was really her way of telling me she was starving. After I gave in and gave her a bottle thinking that was what she wanted it was clear I wasn't producing milk anymore. I was prepared for pain, engorgement something. But nope I just stopped and felt nothing. I am disappointed that I didn't quite make it to 6 months(10days short) and I was considering continuing past 6 months.

I am not sure if I am just upset by it because I didn't get to choose to stop or if it is the fact that when I saw her holding her own bottle I realized how grown up she is. But I either way I am sad that it is over!

But since it is over I am trying to see the positive...hand her a bottle and walk way, Jatovi getting up to feed her during the night. There are some advantages and they are good ones.

I have been making my own baby food! And she seems to enjoy my cooking!(at least for now)

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