Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dear Layla

Dear Layla

My beautiful baby Layla, you are 6 months old today. I want to write you and say Thank you! Thank you for all the ways you have changed my life. I am so lucky to have you. I was so worried that being a Mom would not be for me. But over the past 6 months I have realized that being your Mom is so much better than I could have ever imagined.

I have enjoyed watching your Dad with you. I have fallen in love with him all over again. He is kind, warm and gentle with everything he does. His love for you is so strong. He takes you everywhere with him, and is obsessed with buying you clothes. Yes that's right clothes....that he thinks fits you better. He really doesn't like anything to be tight, and just last night he came home with a bag of sleepers because he didn't want you to get cold feet at night. You just light up when ever he walks into the room. He is able to get you to laugh so loud and it is music to my ears. I have a feeling that your bond with your Dad will cause me some trouble when you are a teenager!

Ever since you were born people have said you look just like your Dad. But I do think you have my eyes. You also have my big toes! Not something I wanted you to get from me. Your Grandmother also has them and they are not my favorite feature...they stick up! Your hair is starting to grow, and I am hoping for thick big curls. But right now you just have a patch of hair at the back of your head that does curl when it's wet. Your skin tone is lighter than I thought it would be are you are a big girl. Big in the fact that you are wearing 9-12month clothes already. You have been wearing large sized clothes since you were 3months old. And if I do say so are the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!

So Layla Katherine, thank you!

Thank you for giving me a reason to get up everyday

Thank you for teaching to be patient

Thank you for trying to teach me that I can't control everything

Thank you for making me laugh

Thank you for making me a better person

I love you so much and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings us,

Love Mom

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