Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Trip Home

I want to start by saying Layla is smiling now! It makes my day seeing her beautiful smile. She started at about 7-8 weeks although by week 9 it was all the time.She seems most happy in the morning, after her breakfast feed see will sit and smile and make nosies. She seems to copy what you are doing, like sticking out your tongue, or making kisses with your lips.Layla still cries several times a week in the fact she is crying right now! But thankfully Jatovi is home tonight to walk the floor with her. Due to the Durham Bulls evening games I am usually here alone with the crying..and it is hard. So seeing the smile during the day makes the evening more bearable!
On June 30 Layla and I hoped on a plane and flew north! I wanted Layla to be at home for her first Canada Day. This meant she missed July 4th but I am sure she will see more of them in her life time than Canada Day's. We were there for 6 days and it was great. Uncle Corb and Jeff came home as well. Jatovi couldn't come because of work, so her was able to catch up on sleep..lucky guy! Layla loved uncle Jeff. Jeff tried with his attitude at first "I don't do babies" But not 10 minutes in the house Jeff couldn't put her down. Layla would watch him, smile and talk to him. It was so nice to see Jeff's soft side. I even started to call on Jeff to sit with her when she was crying...didn't see that coming. My mom had friends and family over on Saturday to meet Layla. It was so nice to see everyone, and Layla has more clothes now than I do.
We spent and afternoon with my good friends Angela,Tara and Kim.I miss everyone so much so I love seeing them. My parents were of course so happy we were there. I love how much they love her. I am so thankful Layla has brought my mom and I so close. For once in my life I think of her as my best friend. I have heard of others say that about there mom's and didn't get it. I do now, when ever something happens after Jatovi I can't wait to call my mom. I see that Layla and I can have a good relationship as well.
What I want to remember is the feeling I felt the first time I went into her room and see was crying. I picked her up and the biggest smile came across her face! Oh I felt my heart was magical!
I also want to remember my parents face when Layla and I came around the corner at the airport...pure joy!

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