Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Little Swimmer

When Layla was first born she hated her bath. In fact when Grammy was here and we would bath her, her screams where so bad we thought something was wrong with her. Over the weeks the screaming became less and less. then one day during her bath she discovered herself in the mirror and started to smile. It was nice to have her enjoy her bath. Jatovi then had an idea...fill up the bath tub and let her bath in it. Well I wasn't sure what her really had in mind, but I said sure. Well he started to fill up the garden tub...and by fill I mean to the top. We put bubbles in it and Jatovi held her the whole time and boy did she love it! She kicked her feet played in the bubbles and really seem to like it. We did this again a few days later and then decided that the garden tub full of water for a 10 min infant bath is not good so we have been using the sink since. She likes the sink just the same although the mess she makes with her kicking is terrible some times!

So this got us thinking....would she like to swim outside. Well after a trip to walmart and a baby pool later we tried. The first time Jatovi set her in it she started to cry. Well Daddy was not going to give up. He continued to warm up the water for her and try again, with success this time. She loved it! So does this mean she will be a swimmer? Or just enjoy the water...who knows but it is fun watching her discover the water.

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