Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

12 weeks

We are 12 weeks into our journey with Layla. I must say it is getting better and better everyday. She now smiles all the time, she coo's and makes lots of sounds, and is less fussy. Now if she would sleep through the night she would be perfect!

A day with Layla starts about 7-730...when she wakes for the day full of smiles. This current routine has been around for about 2 weeks. I am not sure when it will change again because it changed over night. She went from going to bed at 9, and eating at 1 and going to bed by 6:30 and eats at 11, 2 and 5. After she gets up and dressed for the day it is play time but only for about an hour when she falls back to sleep for a short morning nap. The rest of the day she wakes and sleeps on a 2 hr schedule. After about 2 hours of play she will sleep for anywhere from 20-60mins at a time. Now what does play include..well her bumbo chair, bouncy chair or mom/dad making faces at her. She prefers one on one time with either of us. She loves to sit and watch you, smiling back. I am still breastfeeding, although we have tried bottles of breast milk at bedtime to see if she will sleep longer..which did not work. We also tried adding rice cereal to it..which also did not work, so straight up breastfeeding it is. I really like to sleep so the sooner she sleeps through the night the better. I really just want her to sleep from 11-5...I don't think I am asking too much!
Her eyes are almost completely brown now. There is a firm of grey left around the outside, but the inside is a light carmel brown. Her hair is getting longer. The top middle is the longest and it curls up, and the back stays straight after it drys. The sides have the least amount of hair because she sleeps on her side so it is worn off. Her thunder thighs are her biggest part on her..the rest seems to have balanced out with her length, she is really tall.
Her face always has little cuts on it..from her nails. Jatovi and I have tried to cut them but we clearly haven't done that great of a job.
What I want to remember from this month is our trip home to Canada and how fun it is to watch her smile. One day her just looking at me won't cause the joy it does now for her. If only when she was 15 would her face light up this way when she sees me!

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