Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

" The Purple Cry"

In the hosptial they made us watch a video called "The Purple Cry". They said it is mandatory of everyone to watch..both parents. They then send you home with a copy to show anyone that will be caring for your child. So this is a GREAT idea...becuase I hate the purple cry! The purple cry is really just a new name for a fussy period. They calm that a baby will have periods of crying that can be prolonged and there is nothing you can do to stop them from crying.The education has been started to prevent shaken baby because this is usually when a child is at risk for being shaken. They clam it is a naormal part of baby development and it can start at 2 weeks, peaks at about 8 weeks and is over by like 3-4months. Well I guess we are at our peak because the purple cry is out of control! At first her fussy time was from 11pm until about 2am. That was horriable, but this is bad as well. It starts about 9pm and goes to about 11. She does cry the whole time but does cry and fuss. The bad part is by then I am ready for bed, and so should she! As I have said before I want her on a routine and in my head thay has her going to bed at about 7 or 8. Well she will look sleepy, in fact sometimes even goes to sleep, but then like an alarm clock at 9 she is wide awake and miserable! It doesn't happen everynight and some nights she only cries for a few minutes and the rest of the time she is awake and fussy. But sometimes she cries on and off for like and hour or 2. The video states it can last up to 5hours, so I guess it can be worse.
The best part of this is I have Jatovi. He doesn't get bothered by it, in fact he is the one to deal with her. He puts her on his shoulder and walks around the house. I get to go to bed and try to sleep through it. This is most nights and and when he isn't home I go nuts. She still is not a fan of the swing...but she loves to bounce. Sitting in her bouncy chair and me bouncing her does work sometimes.
So the postive in this is the 4-5 hrs she sleeps after, and that we are at the peak 8 week time. Boy when this phase is over I will be so happy!

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