Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

6 weeks!

I am 6 weeks today! So far this pregnancy is not that different from what I remember the first time. The only big difference is I feel so bloated! In fact I think I look pregnant already. I know it is not my uterus that is big already but it sure feels like it. I felt crappy the first week, very tired and even nauseous. But since I really feel fine. Very tired.
As usual I am stressed about everything. Even that I feel symptoms must mean something bad right? I have done a lot of research on Downs Syndrome...why I don't know. I just need information. My first appointment isn't until I am almost 9 weeks so I have a lot of time to worry when I don't even know if there is a heart beat. I changed doctors. Kind of a hard decision, but I am going to deliver at Duke this time. Going into it this time knowing that I will be a diabetic and have heart problems I just felt better this way. I am very sad that people will know me...I liked it last time. I don't want everyone up in my business if the baby has sugar problems, but I do want people I know taking care of him/her. Weird right, I can't have it both ways so I went with safety. I will be 38, a diabetic mother, and hopefully just a boring repeat c/s. So hopefully uneventful.
As for the sex of the bay, unlike last time I have no idea. With Layla I was 100% sure and 100% wrong it was a boy. This time I really just don't know. I just want healthy.
We have not told our families. I wanted to tell my parents first, but of course they were in Peru on vacation for the last two weeks. We will tell them tonight. I wanted to do something fun, but just think I am going to let Layla tell them. It is so cute to hear her say "Mommy has a baby in her belly" Crazy that we told her, but she was the one that told Jatovi, which I think it so cute!
Jatovi hasn't said much(like usual) but he does have a lot to say about the colour of the nursery. I want grey with blue or pink. He feels very strongly that there should be no grey. So we have stopped talking about the baby all together. We do have awhile yet!

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