Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Two and Half years old!

Layla is two and a half years old today! I am shocked by how fast she is growing up. At two and a half she is far past a baby now. She speaks in full sentences with a lot of great opinions. She has no problems telling us what she wants, thinks and needs. Having her talk is so fun. She says the cutest things and makes us laugh everyday. Her molars are finally starting to come in. The bottom two are almost through the gum so I am sure the uppers will be coming any day. Her hair is still getting longer and even more curly. So she still has not had a hair cut, I have been thinking about getting her a trim to cut off the dead ends but since it is so short I haven't been able to do it. Although she was an accident here and there diapers are a thing of the past. Jatovi has been taking her pee around midnight every night since she started sleeping with no diaper in May. But in the past couple of weeks he has stopped. So some nights she wakes around 4 or 5, but most nights is making it all night. Which I think is pretty good since she sleeps 11-12 hrs each night. We have a problem getting her to bed early. I would like her in bed by 8, but most nights its 9. Evenings are family time for us, since I work a lot of weekends. So we tend to be having fun and she doesn't go down until closer to 9. Thankfully she goes to bed most nights with out a fight. Now staying a sleep has been a bit of a problem lately. Layla has began having nightmares. I have a great husband who gets up every time with her, so he settles her. But she now sleeps with a light on. Which has helped. I have read that nightmares are common, but I am still not sure what they could be about. What could be scary in her sweet little life?'

Layla is a strong willed little girl, but boy is she cute. She can drive me nuts one minute and make me laugh out loud the next. She is a joy to have around and I can't wait to see what the next year brings us!

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