Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 29, 2012

First Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound today! One sweet baby, with a great heart beat of 180. The new Doctors office seems ok so far. It is new and clean which is a good start. There NP does the ultrasound so you can get results and can talk about the finding as you go. I think every practise should do this. Waiting and not being able to ask questions and here results as you go is painful. So she was very nice, and baby measures only 1day off so that is good. I then spent time reviewing everything else with a nurse. I asked for a prescriptions so I could do my blood sugars here and there to make sure they are good. BIG MISTAKE! I am now having my glucose test done on Wednesday. Insurance won't cover the supplies with out a positive result so they are going to check now. I had heard that they test at 16 weeks with future pregnancies......but she said they are reviewing that protocol right now. They think they should be checking earlier so I will be one of the first....lucky me. Next time I should keep my mouth closed!
I am starting to think its a boy again. I didn't want to think about it since I was soooo wrong last time. But I do think it's a boy. I guess we will see!

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