Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 23, 2011

14 months

Layla is 14 months old now, I can hardly believe it. This month has been a bit better...I haven't been praying for patients as often. I found that just removing everything in my house has helped a lot, if it's not there than she can't touch it.It is crazy to me how fast she has gone from a baby to a toddler. She makes me laugh everyday! I love watching her learn to walk, watching her let go of things and just walk away. You can tell she is really concentrating on the task. She is finally getting more teeth and by more I mean 1 more. Yup # 3 has cut in the top center. So I am hoping there are more right behind it. I have been putting cute bows in her hair since it is really starting to grow, how ever they only last seconds most of the time, she then rips them out.
I think we are about to see an end to two naps a day :(. Most days now she will cry, play and talk during one and never fall asleep. Jatovi is really convinced that she still needs the morning nap, and I am not quite sure why. Clearly it makes more sense to transition to one early afternoon nap. But he keeps putting her down in the morning and she won't take an afternoon one then. I guess it is a process and we will work it out. Not much new as far as food, graham crackers and fruit are still her favorites, right now blue berries. We try and go out most days spending a lot of time at the pool, the museum and the park. Layla is so busy it is best just to go out and let her use some of that energy some where else.

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