Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, July 18, 2011

Road Trip

We took Layla on her first road trip home. Jatovi and I have done it tones of times....but never like this! We knew Layla doesn't like car rides...but how bad could it be right?
Well apparently it can be really bad! Jatovi had a baseball game Friday night but felt that if it was over in time leaving late Friday night would be the best. The game ran late so he was not home until after midnight so Saturday morning it would be. I woke at my usual 5am, which seemed perfect for me. I got Jatovi up we got ready and were on the road by 6. I woke Layla up changed her diaper and put her in the car. I was sure after a few minutes she would go to sleep. Boy was I wrong. We drove for 17hours leaving at 6am and getting to my parents at 1045pm. Layla slept for maybe a total of 2.5hrs the whole day. The remaining hours were spent watching kids t.v shows and Layla whining. She was so tired, and board she just was miserable. Which meant Jatovi and I were also miserable. We stopped several times, even once at a McDonald's so she could play in the play area. I had not wanted us to give Layla McDonald's how ever it was worth a try. She ate chicken nuggets and played for awhile, she seemed to enjoy playing but was not happy about returning to the car. The DVD player Layla got for her birthday was awesome, but I really need to get use to kids shows because they drive me nuts!
After a long day we were finally there!
The week was fun and relaxing. Mom, Layla and I spent alot of time together. Dad had to work, and Jatovi spent time relaxing the way he likes...playing video games and watching CNN.
Jatovi and I went on two date nights...awesome! We have only been to the movies once since she was born so we took advantage of my parents babysitting services and went to two. Layla decided to start walking full time while at Grammies. Grammie bought her a $8 pair of croc's to wear to the pool. The first time we put them on her it was magic, she started walking and hasn't stopped!
The drive home was sooooo much better. We took 2 days and Layla was much happier. We left later in the day so she was ready for a nap and slept the first couple of hours. After a night in a hotel Layla took several naps the next day. We had bought Gravol, a over the counter medication that is for "motion sickness" that also happens to cause drowsiness. I has not above treating Layla's "motion sickness" on the way home if needed. But THANKFULLY she was fine.
The biggest event of the week....Layla's grandparents "shot her up"! That's right they took Layla to get her ear's pierced. The deal all along had been not before her first birthday, and that was months past. I really didn't want it done, but had no good reason to keep saying No. Jatovi even wanted her to have them. So with no good reason to keep telling them no, I told them if they did it I didn't want to know that was what they were doing. They claim that she didn't even cry because they had some older girls play with her to distract her. She has not seemed like they bother her at all.

Grammie and Grandpa bought Layla her first bike...helmet and all!

Not all fun and games at the park

First time eating frozen yogurt

Feeding time with Grammie

We stopped in Niagara Falls to show Layla the water fall and visit uncle Jeff
Layla's crib at the hotel
Breaking the law with Daddy(in a parking lot)

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