Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Giving in

So there seems to be some battles that I am losing.
1. Juice
My plan was for Layla to not have juice....or very little. It is vary important for Layla to have healthy eating habits so she doesn't spend her life battling her weight as I have. So my plan was for her to drink plenty of water and milk and NO pop and very little juice. However once Layla stopped having her bottle....she stopped peeing. She would drink well from a sippy cup...just small amounts at a time. After two weeks and several dry to almost dry diapers I gave in and gave her watered down juice. It seems to have done the trick....good wet diapers again. We also bought new sippy cups that have a plastic straw and she loves them.
2. Pacifier
Another plan of mine was pacy only while sleeping. That changed to sleeping and in the car a month ago because I was done with the crying in the car. Now I don't care when she has it. Layla seems to wine and cry ALOT! I am not sure if it's normal or just our crazy girl ...but it drives me insane. Until she can use words I feel this is how she is going to be. Her little brain knows what she wants she just has no way of telling screaming, and wining it is. But give her a pacifier and she is quiet! So after giving it thought ...when she is 30 will it matter if she sucked her pacifier for a year? Since she really just started to love it, and I take it away at 2...doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Of course taking it away will be a hassle I am not looking forward to but I will deal with that later. So Layla you can suck til your heart is content as long as it keeps you happy and quiet.
3. Throwing food
Layla lost her dining room privileges. With her loving to throw her food as a way of telling you she is done it was driving me crazy. The floor looked terrible all the time. So Layla know eats in the corner of the kitchen. Our kitchen has tile and its grey so you it is much easier to keep clean.

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