Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Today is the last day in one of the best years of my life! I sit back each day and think I am the luckiest woman alive. In 2010 the most beautiful, sweet little girl came into our lives. I have probably learnt the most about my self this year, then many years combined.
Most years I am fine with them ending, and looking forward to see what the next year has in store for me, but this year is different. I am sad for this year to be over, how can 2011 top this year?
In 2010 I found out:
* that I am madly in love with my husband
* that I love, love, love being a Mom!
* that I can't control everything,and that's ok(I will keep trying though)
* that some things that seem overwhelming are worth it in the end
* that money can't buy happiness(it does help though)
* letting the things you can't control go
But most of all I have fallen deeply in love with this little girl. Of course I knew I would love her, but until it happened I didn't know a love could be this strong. I didn't know a love so strong could keep growing, and growing each day.
So how could 2011 compare?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Very Sad Christmas!

On Christmas night it started to snow, big beautiful snow flakes. We got a few inches here, but nothing that shut everything down. The roads were fine to drive so it made it that much more beautiful.

However that snow storm moved up the east coast and hit them hard. Some places got as much as 20 inches of snow. Well because of that our flight home was canceled. I am devastated that Layla is not going to make it to Canada for her first Christmas.
Grammie and Grandpa have missed her birth and now her first Christmas. I guess that's what I get for moving away!

So my dear Layla, just know we did try to make it north for Christmas. We will try again next year.
We do have to make it north sometime this winter to try out the adorable Columbia snow suit you have!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Baby!

Layla's first Christmas has been one of my favorites of all time!
Layla woke up at around 8am. We then went down and I tried to get some great pictures of her in front of the tree. Well this has not gone good anytime I have tried. She would rather look at the tree and play with the presents. Grammie and Grandpa then joined us via Skye and we then started the gift opening. Of course it was no surprise she would rather eat the paper then pay attention to the toys she was getting. She lost interest in about 30minutes because she really just wanted breakfast.
Later that morning Grannie, Granddaddy, aunt Jamel and Janora came for brunch.
The the 3 of us spent the day relaxing, it was the perfect Christmas with my wonderful Family!
On boxing day we all headed to Aunt Jamels for Christmas dinner with the family. It was so much fun to see Layla with all of her cousins.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

8 months old!

Today our sweet girl is 8 months old! Just last week I thought I would not have any milestones to write about this month. It started off as a pretty routine month with a great schedule and not many changes. But just last week Layla started to pull up and say "Mama". I have even heard "Mom" a few times. I am sure she thinks I am crazy when I get so excited of her babbles but it is music to my ears. I think her growth has finally stared to slow down. She is still wearing the same clothes...even if they are 12-18months. No teeth yet, which I find so weird. I thought she would have a mouth full by now.
Layla met Santa this month, and brought back the magic of Christmas for Jatovi and I. It was fun decorating, and buying her gifts. I can't wait until she fully understands the season.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

First Word?

Layla started saying "Ma" today. When she says it together she says "Mama" So I like to think it is her first word! I really expected it to be Dada, but lucky me! I do realize she has no idea what she is saying...but I am proud non the less!
Now we just need to work on "Mommy" I really don't want to be "Mama" even if I am in the south!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pulling Up!

Today Layla "pulled up" for the first time. The first time she did it I was out of the room. I left her sitting beside her dresser and came back and she was standing holding on to her drawer. I was so disappointed, but quickly sat her down again and waited for her to do it again. Well of course she didn't right away. But after about 10minutes she did it! She has been doing over and over now.Pulling up means she is falling more and more. I am trying to not react unless she is hurt to prevent crying with every fall. This works most times, but there have been some screaming fits, but no serious injury's!
She is so happy with herself each time. She crawls backwards by pushing herself back, but not forward yet. She pulls up into the crawling position often, but then just tries to stand up. Layla just wants to stand and walk!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Pictures

" I am not sure why there is a tree in the house?"

Layla meets Santa

A trip to the mall to meet Santa. No smiles, but she didn't cry either. Santa said Layla told him she wanted bath toys and teething toys for Christmas.
We will see what we can do Layla!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fun Pictures

Here are some cute pictures of our girl!


Layla's Canadian parent was at work during our first snow fall of the year. That meant southern Daddy got the joy of bring her out in the snow.

Jatovi said she seemed to like watching it fall. Not sure why he thought to bring her out in her car... but it made for cute pictures.