Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Learning to Eat Like a Big Girl

I have a hard time making big decisions. One of them is "when to start solids" Well a wise woman said to me does it really matter? Don't worry about the things that don't really matter, when she is 15 will it matter if you started this week or next? Probably I started! It was the right decision Layla was more than ready. After only 2-3 meals of her rice cereal she had it down pat. I did a week of rice cereal on it's own and then this week added crushed banana. Boy does she love it. Once I put her in her high chair she gets so excited and eats every drop. I plan to start with veggies next more fruit until she has experience the terrible taste of vegetables. I am hoping she will like them more than I do.

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