Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Trip to Grammie and Grampas

On September 13 Layla and I were off to Canada again. It was easier for us to fly up than my parents to come down because my schedule leaves me with several days off in a row. The trip up was great, Layla was so good. We left NC at 1630 and didn't get to Buffalo until after 1900. We then had to drive the 2 hrs to Fergus. Needless to say it was way past Layla's bedtime..but she handled it so well. Cuddled up in my arms she slept most of the way.During our layover she did start crying ( it was around 1800, her usual time to go to bed) but it lasted only a few minutes and she was asleep before the plane took off. The way home was even better no tears!
The weather so so nice...very cool. She got to wear winter sweaters and long pants. We got to bundle her up and take her for walks around Fergus, I loved every minute. My parents had gone nuts as usual and bought her so much stuff. Layla is so lucky to have so many people who love her. Jatovi and I will never be able to thank them for all they have done for us. With every purchase they make, it makes our lives a little easier.
Bringing Layla "home" makes me so proud. I want her to grow up with fond memories of her grandparents. Watching them with her is so amazing and special to me. My dad melts when she smiles at him and my mom teaches me so much. I have become so close to my mom and I couldn't be happier. The only thing I wish is that they lived closer. I have a great life here but really wish they could be part of our lives everyday. When I leave them now I am already thinking about the next time we will be together. I hope I can be half the mother my mom is. As an adult child looking back on my childhood, I can respect the challenges my mom faced and respect her for the decisions she made. I can't wait for November when Grammie and Grandpa come here!

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