Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

I saw the baby today!

Yup, I saw the baby today. My friend Susannah Grant works at a clinic and preforms ultrasounds. So I was lucky that she allowed me to come in just to have a look. And I am so very glad I did. It was awesome to see him(yes I still think it's a boy) with a friend, in a nice calm setting. He was moving all around, we saw him sucking his fingers, and flipping upside down. His heart rate was 153, and we could see it beating. Before I left Jatovi kept saying "tell the lady we don't want to know the sex", well it appears that he listens to his Dad. The whole time he was in a position that even if we wanted to know, we would not be able to see. Most of the time his legs were crossed, so cute! He is growing so fast the difference even since 12weeks it amazing. It brought tears to my eyes watching him, especially when he started to suck his finger. We could see his mouth moving, it makes me realize just how real he is. I haven't felt him move yet, which seems weird because I could see him kicking me! So to see this moving, sucking, kicking little person inside me is just amazing. I am so lucky!
I am still a little nervous about the ultrasound next week because they can still find something wrong. But I do feel reassured because his head is measuring right on, he is swallowing and moving so things look okay.
One last thing, I have been feeling worse these days! Still not as bad as some have it, just I thought it should all be over by now. I was so sick on saturday, poor Jatovi he keeps having to clean up bigger and bigger messes.He is such a good husband. I am really really lucky to have him.

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