Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The End Of the First Trimester

So I am 14 weeks now, and happy to be done with the first trimester. I feel really lucky I only had a few days were I felt sick. I have heard of many people sick everyday.....glad that wasn't me. I have been tired and really hungry mostly. This week I was sick for the first and only time thus far. It was before work and I missed the toilet so poor Jatovi had to clean it up :(. I hope the worst is over, my energy is differently coming back but I am still hungry.
We have had 3 ultrasounds so far. One at 7 weeks just to confirm the pregnancy. It was a small dot on the screen but it had a heart beat. At 10 weeks I cheated and had a look at work. That was great Misty Lyon also saw him( yes him...I am sure it is a boy) I could see the baby moving and the heart pumping. AT 12 weeks was the best one yet. He was pretty big, and moving all over the place. The purpose was to measure the back of his neck to complete first trimester screening for Trisomy 21,18 and 13. Well he would not behave.I was there an hour and a half and she almost didn't get the measurement. But he eventually moved into the correct position and she got it. The tests showed very little chance of having a baby with Trimosy 21,13, or 18. I have heard his heart beat as well at my doctors appointments. That is so weird for me. After working with pregnant woman for over 10 years I can hardly believe that that sound is coming from me. I wish I could listen to it for days, it is the best sound I have ever heard. Jatovi remains quiet about the process. He comes to my appointments but doesn't say much. But I know he is exited because I came home from work last week and he started to "baby proof" the house....really I was 13 weeks it was a little early! But that is his way and I thought it was cute.
Lets hope the second trimester goes as well!

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