Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 9, 2009

We had our ultrasound today. The baby looks good, and they feel everything is were it should be and nothing is wrong. Because of my age we were offered a amnio but we have chosen not to have one. Once again the baby did not want to cooperate, which is getting funny at this point. The baby wouldn't let them see his heart. But after awhile they got the pictures they needed. SO the babies sex....Jatovi wanted to play games. So the plan was to have the tech write the sex down, put it in an envelope. Once that was done we went to Grandma Nora's school and she opened the envelope and looked. We then left ...still not knowing! She then called Grandma Annette and told her. They were both every happy and giggly in fact. It was nice to see them so happy, but I sure wasn't. We would not know for 8days. We would find out with my family the next week when we got home for Christmas.It was sure going to be along week....

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