Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Big News

So the big news came on August 23 2009. We "planned" this pregnancy so I was waiting for the day I could take a test. In fact I took one far to early and it was negative. I couldn't believe how sad it was to have a negative test when I was so sure it should be positive. I couldn't help think of the the poor couples that went through that month after month. SO Saturday morning Jatovi and I went about our usual plans. We went for our lunch in the park and let Molly-Brown run. On the way home I thought it is time to test again, I just didn't believe the first test. So as soon as we got home I went to CVS and bought a test. I took the test, and it was positive!! I had the kind that gave you a + or - sign, so I felt I needed a digital one. So off to CVS I went again, and bought 3 more. I was at CVS twice in less than 30 minutes. I took all 3 and they all said "pregnant"!! All Jatovi said was"I told you".His reaction was not a jump up and down with excitement type, but really he doesn't get that happy about anything. We then called both of our parents. Mine first and boy they were happy. I took a picture of all the tests and sent it to my mom, but it didn't go through so I had to just tell her. Jatovi gets his calm personality from his mom, so her reaction was low key compared to my parents. But needless to say they were all happy for us.
Really I think I was in a mom? I don't know if this is a good thing. Jatovi will make a wonderful Father but I am not so sure I will do a good job. I just hope we can balance each other.

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