Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Trip to see Grammie and Poppy

After several attempts to get Grammie and Poppy here we decided to just go there. It did not seem in the cards for Poppy to come here. We ordered Bennett's passport express and had it in 8 days. Our first plan was all of us to drive there, but the sweat test was scheduled for that week. I was not willing to put it off so the kids and I flew up after the test was done. We had a great week. I was tired after being "a single parent" for a week but it was worth it.
We took them to the fire works after spending the day at a Canada Day party. Layla loved the fireworks which is great because in the past she they were to loud. Thankfully he didn't mind the loud noise, but I felt like a bad mom for taking him. It was a relaxing week with Layla playing in the back yard. Uncle Jeff came for a visit and Layla just loved playing with him. Poppy is still off work so Bennett was able to cuddle with him. They were both great on the plane...except for one small problem. On the way there Layla taught herself how to take here seat belt off. On the way home she undid it during landing! I could have killed her...I was able hold her back but boy she will never do that again! That was really the only bad thing that she did, otherwise she was great and he slept the whole time!

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