Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

6 weeks

Six weeks already. Our sweet boy is growing up, and boy is he a good baby. He hardly ever cries and in fact even when he is hungry he wakes up and just grunts and wines. The best part is for over a week he has slept for 6-8 hrs each night! Layla was 4 months before we let her cry it out just to drop the 2 am feed. He is breastfeeding now as well. I am glad I kept trying it took 5 1/2 weeks but he did it. He now goes between bottle and breast with ease. And I only have to pump at night while he sleeps to get a freezer supply. I really don't care for pumping. Now I should mention he has to use a nipple shield still...but its better than nothing.
It is so interesting to me how different  our two  kids are turning out to be. I don't think he has cried more than 5min straight more than once a week. He is so calm and laid back. The few times he has cried for food he stops and gives up after a few minutes. Layla spent several nights a week screaming for no reason. He likes a swing and sleeps in the car.Both things Layla hated.
He is joy to have and I love him!!

 I find things with Bennett every time I leave them alone. Layla loves to put things on his head and "let him play" with her toys

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