Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Ok so Bennett is 8 weeks old today and he still won't breastfeed. And I do mean "won't" because he can. He has many times but in the past week...not once. I have seen the LC almost every week as well as his Dr who works with me. They have both got him to latch and eat before, but today neither of them could. I have used both sizes of nipple shields,every position, I bought the 20 dollar nipple calma to help, but nothing has worked. He really makes a face and gets angry after two sucks when he realizes what it is. Both the LC and my DR have said I have tried everything and it's not my fault. But I keep thinking it must be.
However the plus in this is he will take a bottle, because that is not an option in my house. I am too busy to have a baby stuck to my breast all day. I am very sad that I am not able to do this, Layla was so easy and breastfed with ease. The Dr started him on zantac since he spits up so much. The thought is although he doesn't seem in pain maybe he does have bad re flux that is causing this. Its her last thought.
So I plan to pump until my supply  is gone and then he will get formula. "Formula is not poison"

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