Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Trip North

We all jumped in the car and headed north, to Grammie and Poppies house. Layla traveled much better this time. I was certainly scared after last years terrible drive. But I am happy to report it was a nice drive( well as nice as any 15 hour drive can be)
We had a great time, fishing in Grammies pond, playing in the pool, African Lion Safari but most of all it was great to see Grammie and Poppy.
As fun as a trip home is, it really just makes me angry, sad, happy, and so much more. I am angry when I have to leave, sad to say good bye, happy I have Jatovi and Layla, and so much more. Leaving gets harder and harder every time. I miss my parents, and brothers. I want them to be "everyday" part of Layla's life. I get so jealous of Jatovi, he gets to see his parents with Layla all the time. But then I sit back and realize if I didn't live in NC I would never have met Jatovi and all things since.
So I have to take the good with the bad and say "Good bye until next time"!!

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