Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter Trip to Grammie and Poppy's

On January 19 th Layla and I were off to Grammie and Poppy's house. We were flying again and since Layla was still under 2 I decided to go cheap and not buy her a ticket. I was worried that with her sitting on my lap it would be terrible. But to my relief modern technology helped and she was an angel!

Fergus had not had much snow yet this winter so I was worried that Layla would not get to play in the snow. But as luck would have it we flew up right into a snow storm. Which meant we circled around Buffalo for another 45min before we could land. That also meant Poppy and Grammie had to drive to get us in a storm. We were all late getting there but at least we had snow to play in!

Grammie getting into the spirit and teaching Layla how to make snow angels

It was Grammies Birthday!! So Layla dressed in her best and sang to Grammie

Layla and her Grammie, Great Grammie and Aunt Mandy eating nanaimo bars
Uncle Corb with Layla
Uncle Corb and Jeff watching Yo Gabba Gabba with Layla for the first time
All of my wonderful family(minus Jatovi)

Once again we had a wonderful weekend at home. As much as I love going home, it makes me miss everyone that much more. I have a great life and the Muduffie family is so good to me. But it doesn't mean I don't wish we lived closer to my family. Life is strange that way, if I had not moved so far I would not have Jatovi or Layla so things happen for a reason. But I do wonder how things would be different if I had never left Canada. I am happy I will never know because Jatovi and Layla are my world but Canada in always in my heart!

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