Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, January 6, 2012


Dear Layla
Another year has gone by. While your pregnant people say and give you a lot of advice. But the one thing that is holding true is"enjoy every minute, it goes by fast" Is soooo true! I can't believe we have had 2 Christmas with you already. Your birthday is just months away and you have grown so much. In a blink of an eye you are talking, running, working on potty training, expressing your desires, and getting tall. When I ask you if you want fruit you say "No, yogurt", When I tell you to put your toys away you do ( well most of the time), today you put on your shoes with very little help. I am amazed by you everyday. I am not sure if it is because you are or first and I had never thought about how a person develops before or if every parent is surprised with each child. But I am amazed at how much you can do at a mear 20 months. You can count to 4, walk up the stairs, answer my questions, put 2-3 words together, treat your baby like she is alive and feed yourself even messy food. I read toddler development articles and you are right where you should be, but it still amazes me everyday.
It seems like yesterday that I was afraid to be alone with you in case you cry. As a newborn you could cry for hours. Now I enjoy our time together. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to see your Dad some nights, but you are so much fun. We go out every morning. The museum, the gym, park any where to get out. Then it is home for lunch and nap. After you play and we eat about 5:30.Most nights Dad doesn't get home until 6, but you are not interested in waiting for him. You will go get in your chair and start saying "eat, eat, eat" about 5:15 every day. You no longer use a high chair so you look so grown up at the table. Bedtime is after the dance parky we have every night at 7:00. We go upstairs play music and dance and sing! We all love it, we laugh and play and then it's bath, read and bed. Great ending to the day. We still have no trouble getting you to sleep. We lie you down and say "nite nite" and walk out. You still sleep 12-13 hours and wake up happy every morning. After nap time you can be a little whinny if you wake up before 2hours, just like Mommy you need your sleep.
The doctor told us at your 18 month appointment to start potty training, which I think is way to early. How ever you do tell us when you pee, take your diaper off and throw it out. We have put you on the toilet many times with nothing yet. I think I am right...too early! But we will see what you do in the next couple of months. The doctor thinks you will be trained by 2!!
I can't wait to see what 2012 brings us, although it makes me a little sad to know by this time next year my "baby" will be long gone! I enjoy watching you grow with each new task you learn, and laughing at the cute things you do every day! You love to copy my every more and I love to watch you copy cute!!
So here is to 2012 my Layla Kat,
I can't wait to enjoy every day with you.
Love Mom

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