Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Potty Training

Since our 18month appointment when Layla's Doctor told us we should start potty training we have been putting her on. Although I felt it was early I didn't want to go back to the Doctor and not have at least tried. She said " I will see you when you are two, hopefully in pantie's and not a diaper" Well crap now I will feel like a failure if she is not potty trained by two...Thanks Doctor!
Anyways really I just wanted her to at least be starting but for months we have put her on the potty and nothing.
Well leave it to Grammie, one time for her and she peed and pooped! I could not believe it. This was Sunday January 22. Layla has kept on going, over the next few days she wouldn't really tell us if she had to go but if we put her on she would go. Both pee and poop was more than I could ask for. She is not ready to go out of the house without a pull up on, but we are well on our way!

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