Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

15 Beautiful Months!

We now have a 15month old beautiful little girl in our house. I can not tell you how amazed I am with Layla everyday. Her vocabulary is going. Some of the new words are car, more, ball, no, and go. She seems to have a new word every couple of days. But what really impresses me is her understanding. The other day as a joke I asked her to put her shoes away. Layla picked them up and walked over and throw them by the shoes at the door! I was flabbergasted!! She knew what I meant and did it. I have since asked her to do several things like get your shoes, bring me your cup, go get a drink and she does them all. She has been able to "bring me a book" for weeks but it had not occurred to ask her to do anything else. I now ask her things all the time, and some times she does it. I have even tried to tell her to put her shoes on. It is so cute because she will sit down and try, of course not being able to do it but trying none the less. The funniest part...I was so happy I called Grammie and Grandpa and told them she is a genius! I mean it is big that she can put her shoes away right? Well the next day I read on line that at 15months this is normal. So maybe not a genius...but perfect in my eyes!!
At her check up she weighed 23.6lbs which is only 1/2 a pound since her 1 year appointment, and she grew 1.5inches. She down to the 60% on both now. She is still in 18month clothes which is kinda funny since she has been wearing that size since like 6months. If she doesn't start growing she may be able to wear some of last years fall clothes. Layla's appetite has decreased a lot, still loves the graham crackers though the most. Crawling is a thing of the past. Layla walks full time and even runs! It is so cute watching her Daddy chase her and her running as fast as she can get her legs to move. Her croc's are still her favorite shoes...I am not sure why I keep buying her stride rites?
Our biggest issues this month is bath time. I am not sure what happened but she went from kinda disliking her bath to being terrified of it. It's not the entire experience just getting her hair washed. But since she knows that it is coming the entire bath she cries and act's terrified and tries to get out. It makes for a miserable experience for everyone involved. I asked her doctor about it and she feels like it is just her personality and she will get better. Oh boy are we in trouble is this is a sign! Jatovi has taken this responsibility over for the most part because he is way more calm and patient with her. I have signed us up for swimming lessons to get some advice on dealing with her in the water. The pool is fun as long as her doesn't get her face wet.She loves the spray yard as well, better chance of not getting water in her face. So I will take any advice I can get.
Layla's hair is continuing to grow, more curls. Some days they are tight curls some loose big curls. It would be pretty long if it were straight. Layla is up to 6 teeth! 4 came in all in one week. I am sure her little gums were sore but we really couldn't tell. There seems to be a large space between her two front upper teeth, but Aunt Jamel assures us that it is ok. Baby teeth are 1.5x smaller than her adult teeth so this means there will be enough room for her adult teeth....we will see!Layla seems to be down to 1 afternoon nap a day. After lunch she will sleep for 2-3 glorious hours!
At the Doctors for her 15 month appointment

Climbing into her high of her favorite things to do
Her ears pierced still :) No infections

Snack time
Layla loves Cousin Alex!
This is what bath time looks sad!

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